Fastify vs Express

August 20, 2021

Fastify vs Express

Web development has come a long way since its early days. Nowadays, building a web application requires a lot of considerations. Which framework should you use? Which language should you choose? And the list goes on. However, in this blog post, we'll focus on two popular JavaScript frameworks for building web applications: Fastify and Express.


Express is one of the most popular web frameworks for Node.js. It's known for its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of use. Express has been around for more than a decade and has a massive community of contributors and users.

Pros of using Express

  • Easy to learn: Express has a simple and intuitive API that is easy to learn and use.
  • Massive community: As mentioned earlier, Express has a massive community of contributors and users. This means that you can find answers to almost any question you have about Express online.
  • Flexible: Express is a flexible framework that allows you to customize almost every aspect of your application as per your requirements.

Cons of using Express

  • Lack of structure: Express gives a lot of freedom to developers, which can sometimes lead to a lack of structure in the codebase.
  • Performance: Express can be slow for heavy applications since it does not support async/await out of the box.


Fastify is a relatively new web framework that was released in 2016. It focuses on speed and low overhead. Fastify is written in JavaScript and is built on top of Node.js.

Pros of using Fastify

  • Speed: As the name suggests, Fastify is fast. It has a low overhead and can handle a large number of requests per second.
  • JSON schema support: Fastify has built-in support for JSON schema validation, which makes it easy to validate incoming requests.
  • Plugin architecture: Fastify has a plugin architecture that allows developers to easily extend the functionality of the framework.

Cons of using Fastify

  • Steep learning curve: Fastify has a steeper learning curve than Express due to its advanced features and performance optimizations.
  • Smaller community: Fastify has a smaller community compared to Express, which means that finding answers to your questions online might be a bit challenging sometimes.


Feature Fastify Express
Performance Fast Slow
Learning curve Steep Easy
Community Small Large
Customization Easy Easy
Structure Easy to maintain Lacks structure


Both Fastify and Express have their pros and cons. If speed and performance are your top priorities, then Fastify might be the framework for you. However, if you're looking for a flexible and easy-to-learn framework with a large community, then Express might be the way to go.

In the end, the choice of the framework depends on your project requirements and personal preferences. We hope that this comparison has helped you make an informed decision.


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